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n. vancouver, BC, Canada

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Weekend That Was... (Noel)

Monday, July 18th, 2011 - 12:21pm
"The Fat Dog race has been called off due to snow and unsafe 
conditions, such as exposure to long falls. We are not able to mark 
trails according to permitting requirements. As well, we cannot set up 
three remote aid stations. On Skyline, you would need crampons and an 
ice axe to navigate the route (and all events must use Skyline to 
return to the finish). In some locations, there is a 7 foot bank of 
snow on the trail.
There is no alternative route that is not impacted by snow.
Nature has beaten us this year; like other trail races that had to 
deal with weather changes.
Your options: you can have a free race entry next year or you can 
choose to do another Mountain Madness race such as Dirty Duo in March 
2012 in North Vancouver.
For people who sent me an earlier email, we had no Internet access in 
the park so could not reply.
The race committee is disappointed and we realize that racers are also 
disappointed by this outcome. We hope you will return next year to see 
what the course is "usually" like.
Race Committee"


I won't lie - it sucks.

Emily and I recieved the first e-mail saying there was a risk of cancellation due to snow the Thursday before this last one, and one more update on Saturday while they continued assessing the situation on Saturday, before recieving this final e-mail on Monday.

It's funny too because we saw pictures of it before and after this news and you can see the drastic differences between places where the sun hits and doesn't.  One hillside has green trees, brown dirt, and flowers in bloom, and 1km away around a corner and it's covered in deep, deep snow.

From a safety standpoint i completely understand and agree with the decision - i would do the same thing - doesn't change the face that it is a bit upsetting.  I have no issue with the Race Organization group - they did an amazing job putting together what could be one of the best ultramarathons around, but nobody could have predicted the weird weather we have had the past month or so.  With the snow not melting away as fast as hoped, it just wouldn't be right to risk it.

So now Emily and i are shaking it off and keeping ourselves busy - she has signed up to do Sooke Half Ironman on August 7th (after doing one 2 weeks ago in Peterborough!), and will be training to do a full Ironman in about a year's time.  I am now focusing on prepping myself to train for Oliver Half Ironman next June (my first!), but i am still leaning towards doing Fat Dog next year - it just feels like unfinished business now, and i am determined to do what i set out 7 months ago to do - even if i have to wait a year to do it!  I'll keep up training for it, and the training for Oliver will be a great way to cross-train.  Emily is leaning towards not doing it next year - and likely a good idea if she plans to focus on training for a full Ironman! Still she might do Dirty Duo - but there's time to think about it all.

With that in mind, i'm going to take my wetsuit and bike up with me when my family heads to Oliver for our annual 2-week vacation in August, because we stay at the campsite/resort at the lake where the swimming portion of the Oliver Half Ironman takes place!  So i will have ample time to get myself accustomed to the route - as the area is extremely familiar!

Back to Fat Dog though - Emily and I are still going forward with the Fundraising that we have done during our training - we don't want that to fall apart just because the event did not happen!  We have to thank everyone who has supported us both in donations and all-around goodwill and support since we sat down to work out our training and fundraising plans 7 months ago yesterday!  Everyone has shown us amazing support, and i have to say that the past 7 months have been COMPLETELY worthwhile.  Only good things have come from it, the only downside being that the event itself didn't happen as planned, but we gained so many connections, friends, and the benefits of training.  I can say that i am in arguably the best shape of my life - with the ability to run a 100+ km race!

We've gained so much worthwhile knowledge as well - i'm so much more in tune with what my body needs both in rest and during training runs, we have the knowledge of how much it benefits anyone to have a goal set as motivation, and how great it is to have a training partner to keep you going, especially on those rough days!  I know for a fact that - especially in the January-March training with the dark, rainy mornings (and sometimes snow!) i would not have gone to train if i did not have Emily there to get me going!

If anyone ever wants to talk about the benefits of goal-setting and training with a partner as motivation, i'd be more than happy to do so!

Also along the training road i met so many other great people too - helping out with the Mountain Madness Trail Running Clinics not only introduced me to Mountain Madness as a group, but the people who come out to participate are an amazing community unto themselves!  Everyone is out there to help one another accomplish what they are setting out to do, and i can only applaud everyone who is/has been/ and will be a part of that!

So while yes - one more time - i am dissapointed that the race was not able to go on this year, only good has come from this experience, and it is one that i will always be able to look back on with great memories.  It has been amazing and unforgettable - i still can't believe what has happened in the past year!  I went from my first half-marathon (BMO) last May - i now have 3 under my belt, bettering my time each time - i did my first 50K Trail Race in March - with great results, and i trained for 7 months with a singular goal in mind - al the while raising funds for 2 great causes.

Emily and I are still intending to Blog as we train for our different events - they may be different than planned in the next little while, but that doesn't mean they are any less of an Epic Adventure!

Team NSA will continue! 

Keep an eye out on the roads, waters, and trails, and you may see us running, biking and swimming along!

See you out there - and best of luck in whatever you set out to do - If you want to do it, there is no doubt that you can!


Monday, July 18, 2011

The Last Stretch! Taper Week Report (Noel)

So it's coming up on Monday - which means 5 days until we begin the epic day that is Fat Dog!

It's almost odd - at this point the nerves about doing the event are gone for the most part; it's just making sure i have everything in order that is the cause for any concern that I am feeling.

There is a possible snag in the fact that there is more snow than expected and if the BC Parks Crew isn't able to get to some specific areas in time to clear out debris from the past year, the event itself might be in Jeopardy - but hopefully it doesn't come to that!

All that said whatever ends up happening this coming weekend i am extremely thankful for the past 6 months of training and the things that have come with them!  I met so many new people through helping out with the Mountain Madness Trail Clinics, as well as the Mountain Madness crew themselves - everyone has done such an amazing job putting this event - as well as several others - together.  So many friendly faces that come through the store that i can now recognize and have conversations with to see how they're doing, what they're up to, etc.

On top of that, a great friendship with Emily, which has also helped me realize the immense benefits of having a training partner, or at least someone to talk to about the same things to help keep you motivated.  There were so many mornings, especially early on in training where i KNOW for a fact that i would not have gone out and gone for a run if i didn't have someone to run with!

Anyways, cheesiness aside, tapering has been good so far - i've been feeling almost a little jittery in the sense that there have been times where i have wanted to exercize a little more, when i know i should be taking it easy - and i have been!  It's challenging at times to hold myself back though....

Fundraising has been going well!  So far we've raised $410 for CKNW Orphans fund, and we reached $270 on our Right to Play page the other day!!  People can still donate to either cause up until the event!

I think i'll pause for now, and likely update later in the week as it gets closer and i need to de-stress by blogging!


Friday, July 1, 2011



Finally the weather is getting better again! Not perfect, but...as long as it holds off with the rain I will not be one to complain.

This day also marks the fact that there are THREE WEEKS LEFT until Fat Dog!!!


In related news, the BBQ for CKNW Orphan's Fund was a success!  Even with the weather on last Saturday, we raised $410!!

Thank you to all those who came out, and those who have given Emily an d I support over the last 5 months.  If you'd still like to donate to either cause, we are accepting donations up until the event itself!

Last Sunday i went and did the Scotiabank Half Marathon - great day and a nice route!  Ended up running on a full stomach from the night before, but still chucked out a 1:29:22 - so i'm not going to complain!
The main reason for doing this race instead of Comfortably Numb was that i've been helping train my brother for this for the past few weeks, as it was his first half marathon.  He ended up getting 1:51 - well done Corey!  I don't see him getting the bug and doing an ultra any time soon though - i think he'll like the half marathon distance.  My mum ran it too and ended up getting the same time as last year, albeit with a few cramps, but nothing to complain too much about!  Now if i just get my dad into it it'll be a family affair!....Unlikely, but one can dream....

The hard running on roads for Scotiabank ended with me tweaking my left knee a bit - so i've been taking it easy with lower impact cardio the past few days to avoid serious injury!  It'd be terrible if i were to do anything serious now, with Fat Dog so close!!  It's pretty nearly back to normal as of today, which is promising, but i'll keep a sharp eye in case.

At this point i'm just wanting to make sure i have everything in order - hotel room near manning, supplies (both fuel and first aid, headlamp, etc) and just getting out and running some nice long slow runs to maintenance until the race.  the worst part at this point seems to be the waiting!!!

In any case - a Happy Canada Day to all, and we will see what happens in the final 21 days!!!


Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Count down is on!! - Emily

T- minus 33 day 10hrs until we start running our adventure!!

but for me i have 2 more races to do before fatdog.  one being tomorrow!! Its the Iron mountain Triathlon in Maple ridge. ( 1.5km swim , 40km  bike, 10km run)   I am using this race to find/ make any last minute changes before my half ironman in 22day!!!  July 10th 8am i take part in the Peterborough, Ontario half ironman triathlon.  This will be my first, and most definatley not my last half ironman.  

This year for training has been very different then past years.  I will 100% admit i bit off more then i can chew, choosing 2 HUGE races.  Unfortunatley, some aspects have conflicted with each other, making some training day hard mentally and physically.  for example...  my long distance running with fatdog has REALLY effected my riding for tri. ( but my riding has helped my running???)  I have been training for this half since september 2010 and dedicated fatdog training since january.  

Ive definatley had my ups and down.. having 2 surgeries since last june...recovering from the drugs they gave me... struggling with nerve damage....and with all that trying to keep my motivation high. 

Would i do this over again?? (train for an ultra marathon 50+ miles )
I have been asked this question numerous times. To be honest i have bounced around with my answer.  I have had really high points and really low points through out this journey but when it comes down to it, the high points out weighed the lows. I wouldnt recommend doing an ironman or half the same summer as an ultra ( let alone the same month - 23days apart) but i would consider training for a crazy ultra again.  

well i should be sleeping... 7 am gun time tomorrow! woot woot!

until next time!!

knee knacker check list:

Emily:   fails = 10++

 Noel:    fails = 5+ 1 epic body launching fail 

sweet dreams!!!


when:  Saturday June 25th, 2011   ( 11am- 2pm)

where:  infront of the Parkgate M&M meats, north Vancouver

what:  "bush burgers" and "fat dogs"

all proceeds go to the CKNW orphans fund

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Countdown continues! Knees are Knackered (Noel)

It's been an interesting couple of weeks!

Emily and I did most of the Knee Knacker route (primarily Baden Powell trails from Horseshoe Bay to Deep Cove!) and what a beast it was!  We began at Cypress Bowl in order to cut off what would likely be the snowiest part, and yet we still dealt with so. much. snow!  The first 10K or so took us just over 2 hours to accomplish, with  scrapes, cold hands, and a few funny-after-the-event falls through some soft snow - some waist deep!  We added on a bit in the middle to make up for the distance cut at the beginning, shifting from snow to actual trail (which was a nice change!) and ended up arriving in the Cove at 4:23pm after beginning at 9am!! Treated ourselves t a Honey's Doughnut as soon as we arrived (Fresh batch too!) which we enjoyed while soaking our legs in the water at Panorama Park!  The evening afterwards was a little interesting for both of us, but it was good to get another run like that in before the big event.

Which shouldnt have any snow by then! (or not nearly as much as what we had to deal with!)

In the meantime we have been training with shorter (by comparison) runs, and setting up a FUNDRAISER BARBEQUE!!

This one we decided to focus on CKNW Orphans Fund, and we are doing it with the people at M&Ms Meat Shop in Parkgate Village!

What: BBQ Fundraiser for CKNW Orphans Fund!
Where: MMs Meat Shop in Parkgate Village at the foot of Mt.Seymour.
WHEN: Saturday, June 25 11am-2pm!

Hot dogs and Burgers!  Everything by Donation! Minimum donation $2.50 for a 'Fat Dog' Hot Dog, and $3.50 for a 'Bushman' Burger!  Add $1 for a fountain drink and a bag of chips!!!

Come out to support us!

That said - I think i should be off to pick up supplies!

Hope to see you there!

Any questions about the event or donating please email us at:


Happy Trails!
